This module shows the Joomla! copyright information. Help {loadposition footerload}
This module allows the displaying of a syndicated feed. Help {loadposition feeddisplayload}
This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
The banner module is used to display the banners that are managed by the banners component in the site administrator. Help. {loadposition bannersload}
This module displays the latest registered users. Help {loadposition userslatestload}
The Who’s Online Module displays the number of Anonymous Users (e.g. Guests) and Registered Users (ones logged in) that are currently accessing the Web site. Help...
This module displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled (in the...
This Module displays other Articles that are related to the one currently being viewed. These relations are established by the Meta Keywords.
Displays a set number of articles from a category based on date or random selection. Help {loadposition newsflashload}
This Module shows a list of the currently published Articles which have the highest number of page views. Help {loadposition articlespopularload}